Sunday 25 May 2014


I am not usually so concerned with the rest of the world. But is has come to my attention, in between intense bouts of editing that some people out there in the multiverse; otherwise known as the Internet simply do not believe it is possible to write, proofread and edit a book well.
I have something to say about this:
It comes in two parts:
PART ONE The one where I tell you that this is possible and why.
PART TWO: The one where I tell you why I think we don't believe it.

I write because I want to. I write things I want to write about. I write because it is my passion. I write because I love it. I write because....... you get the idea.
Now tell me, does everyone do those things? Write for passion, love, and what not?
I'm guessing that most of you will deny the fact that sometimes you write because you have to. It might be a simple matter of economics, or pride, or just to keep up with what is popular. But I think it does have a bearing on what happens after that.
You may be good, bad or downright terrible, but you write right?
So then....... Well, if you have poured your heart into something, you will want it to be sent out into the world with the best possible chance of being accepted by others. So what do you do?
EDIT of course.
But who does the editing?
Is it YOU?
I am in favour of editing. Please don't tell me I spell things wrong, I'm using British English; so I spell in my native way as well. I use the structure, vocabulary, and cultural meaning inherent in the language of my birth. Even my region, county or town. I am a product of a culture and an inheritance which I love and am rightly proud. I believe that we should uphold our own culture and place of origin in our writing. SO when I edit, I edit for me. With the exception of a few, I believe that the best person to say what my book should look like in the end is me. I am not ignorant, or arrogant in saying this. I have the faculties of any well read person. I spot errors in a text just as certainly as any reader would. The population of Readers (who I greatly respect) are not removed from me in any way. They read books, so do I. I write books, they may not. Or they may not do it YET.
I wish for a truly encouraging atmosphere of respect for the culture of writing. I want one where writing is respected and not demeaned by anyone. A place where the cheats and the charlatans who feed off our inadequacies are put out of the picture (Exit: Vanity Publishers, Nay sayers, and Critics).
PART TWO: Why we don't believe it......?
Yes, I know that a lot of people on the well meaning sea of the internet say that you need to get someone else to edit your book. But I ask you this: have you ever attempted to edit it yourself? If you don't do it, you won't get better at it. If you never try, how will you ever know if you can?
It wasn't so long ago that there was a terrible discouragement for ever writing a book.... as if people who wrote stories were the "Special" people.... exceptional souls who were destined for greatness. And look how it has changed!! But now the last bastion of the traditional idea of publishing, that someone else takes your creation and makes it better must die a similar death. There are bad editors and good editors, just as there are bad writers and good writers. But let the readers be the judges. Let us not create barriers for those who seek the light. Those who desire to make visible the images of their imagination; to carve out of that hard unyielding rock the dream they have had since they were small children. To be a real writer!!
To be honest I think that all writers, published by self/traditional/other means are real writers. But do they love it enough to give it a proper send off? Is there quality to the edit? Is there care, love, attention given to it? Are you happy with the finished product? I am a purist. I totally Do-It-Myself. I do not say that that is the only way. But it IS a way. It is valid, respectable and good. My work reaches the reader. I love my stories, my characters.
I care about the end result. Yes; that comma may be in the wrong place. I know... that in a text of 139,000 words there may be a couple of obvious typos.... maybe. Then judge me. Are you going to also judge the traditionally published books who have the same things? With all their teams of people wholly dedicated to produce a work worthy of you, the reading public?

So..... If you read a book, and spot an error; what do you do?
I am guessing that if it is traditionally published you will forgive them... after all it's a great story right?
A self published book should not be judged in any different way. The reader deserves a good read. The writer owes it to the reader to offer the best of what they have. The difference is that, in a self published work the writer is responsible for the end product. We are throwing ourselves open to the public in a way that no traditionally published writer can. It is not a matter of the quality, but in the end who is deemed responsible for what it looks like.
I think you need to accept responsibility for your own creations and say "YES, IT WAS ME." No excuses.
There is your motive to become a better editor.... a better writer..... a better reader.
Believe it. Do it.

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